There are some extremely effective makeup tricks that can be used to mask the embarrassing facial redness caused by alcohol flush reaction. Admittedly this article will be for women and a select few men who are bold enough to push the established gender stereotype by wearing a little makeup too.
Check out this great video with Whitney Adams and Susan Yara from Mixed Makeup talking about some great makeup tips for those who want to hide their alcohol flush reaction:
You can also check out this great video with Susan talking about the all important color wheel for correcting skin color:
With all the hype and confusion around the various supplements and antihistamines people use to attenuate their alcohol flush reaction, some people might be looking for a simpler option – just cover it up!
It seems that with a bit of professional guidance, you can actually do a lot more than just cover the redness with thick foundation.
By using the color wheel logic, Susan talks about applying green tinted makeup to offset the red tones that are caused by alcohol flushing.
This neutralising effect not only means that women can easily incorporate the technique into their existing makeup regimes but also non-makeup wearing men can also experiment with this by using green-tinted facial products like moisturisers or skin serums.
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